गुरुवार, 13 अप्रैल 2023

रघुपति राघव राजाराम पतित पावन सीताराम

 रघुपति राघव राजाराम पतित पावन सीताराम ॥

सुंदर विग्रह मेघश्याम गंगा तुलसी शालग्राम ॥
भद्रगिरीश्वर सीताराम भगत-जनप्रिय सीताराम ॥
जानकीरमणा सीताराम जयजय राघव सीताराम ॥
रघुपति राघव राजाराम पतित पावन सीताराम ॥
रघुपति राघव राजाराम पतित पावन सीताराम ॥
- श्रीलक्ष्मणाचार्य

मंगलवार, 11 अप्रैल 2023

चाणक्य नीति या चाणक्य नीतिशास्त्र -

 चाणक्य नीति एक प्राचीन भारतीय नीति ग्रंथ है, जो महान संगठनकार और दार्शनिक चाणक्य द्वारा लिखा गया था। यह ग्रंथ समाज, राजनीति, धर्म, नैतिकता, आचार-व्यवहार और अन्य जीवन के क्षेत्रों में समस्याओं का समाधान ढूँढने के लिए सूत्रों का संग्रह है।

इस ग्रंथ में चाणक्य जीवन की अनुभूतियों का उल्लेख करते हुए, जीवन के विभिन्न पहलुओं जैसे आचरण, अचरण, सम्बन्ध, नैतिकता, नीति, धन, संस्कृति और अन्य के बारे में अपने दृष्टिकोण को व्यक्त करते हैं। यह एक अद्भुत ग्रंथ है जो लोगों को सफल जीवन और समृद्धि प्राप्त करने के लिए संदेश देता है।

लोककथा - 1

चाणक्य एक जंगल में झोपड़ी बनाकर रहते थे। वहां अनेक लोग उनसे परामर्श और ज्ञान प्राप्त करने के लिए आते थे। जिस जंगल में वह रहते थे, वह पत्थरों और कंटीली झाडि़यों से भरा था। चूंकि उस समय प्राय: नंगे पैर रहने का ही चलन था, इसलिए उनके निवास तक पहुंचने में लोगों को अनेक कष्टों का सामना करना पड़ता था। वहां पहुंचते-पहुंचते लोगों के पांव लहूलुहान हो जाते थे।

एक दिन कुछ लोग उस मार्ग से बेहद परेशानियों का सामना कर चाणक्य तक पहुंचे। एक व्यक्ति उनसे निवेदन करते हुए बोला, ‘आपके पास पहुंचने में हम लोगों को बहुत कष्ट हुआ। आप महाराज से कहकर यहां की जमीन को चमड़े से ढकवाने की व्यवस्था करा दें। इससे लोगों को आराम होगा।’ उसकी बात सुनकर चाणक्य मुस्कराते हुए बोले, ‘महाशय, केवल यहीं चमड़ा बिछाने से समस्या हल नहीं होगी। कंटीले व पथरीले पथ तो इस विश्व में अनगिनत हैं। ऐसे में पूरे विश्व में चमड़ा बिछवाना तो असंभव है। हां, यदि आप लोग चमड़े द्वारा अपने पैरों को सुरक्षित कर लें तो अवश्य ही पथरीले पथ व कंटीली झाडि़यों के प्रकोप से बच सकते हैं।’ वह व्यक्ति सिर झुकाकर बोला, ‘हां गुरुजी, मैं अब ऐसा ही करूंगा।’

इसके बाद चाणक्य बोले, ‘देखो, मेरी इस बात के पीछे भी गहरा सार है। दूसरों को सुधारने के बजाय खुद को सुधारो। इससे तुम अपने कार्य में विजय अवश्य हासिल कर लोगे। दुनिया को नसीहत देने वाला कुछ नहीं कर पाता जबकि उसका स्वयं पालन करने वाला कामयाबी की बुलंदियों तक पहुंच जाता है।’ इस बात से सभी सहमत हो गए

Chanakya resided in a forest in a hut, and many people came to him seeking advice and knowledge. The jungle he lived in was filled with stones and thorny bushes. As barefoot living was a common practice at that time, people had to face many difficulties in reaching his residence, and their feet would often be bloodied by the time they arrived.

One day, some people who had faced extreme difficulties on their way to Chanakya's hut reached him. A person made a request to him and said, "We faced a lot of difficulty in reaching here. Please ask the king to have the ground covered with leather so that people can have some comfort." Hearing this, Chanakya smiled and said, "Sir, just covering the ground with leather won't solve the problem. There are countless thorny bushes and stones in this world. It is impossible to cover the entire world with leather. However, if you protect your feet with leather, you can avoid the dangers of thorny bushes and stony paths." The person bowed his head and said, "Yes, Guruji, I will do that now."

After this, Chanakya said, "See, there is a deeper meaning behind my words. Instead of trying to improve others, improve yourself. By doing so, you will achieve success in your endeavors. One who only gives advice to the world cannot do anything else."

God’s plan is always the best.

 Things may not be perfect in your life, but if you hope to get to where you want to go, you must be happy right where you are. Many people assume that they are not going to be happy until their circumstances change – until their spouse changes, or until they get a bigger house, or until they get rid of all their problems. Don't make that mistake. Enjoy your life right where you are. Maybe you have some major obstacles in your path, but being discouraged is not going to make anything better. You need to realize that God is in control of your life. He's directing your steps, and He has you exactly where He wants you.

God’s plan is always the best. Sometimes the process is painful and hard. But don’t forget that when God is silent, He’s doing something for you.

The above quote is a beautiful reminder to be content with where we are in life and to trust in God's plan for us, even when things are difficult or challenging. It encourages us to find joy and happiness in the present moment, rather than waiting for something in the future to make us happy.

This sentiment is echoed in many religious texts, including the Bhagavad Gita, which is a sacred Hindu scripture. In the Gita, Lord Krishna teaches the warrior Arjuna about the importance of contentment and detachment from the results of our actions.

One verse in particular, Chapter 2, Verse 47, states:

"karmany evadhikaras te

ma phalesu kadacana

ma karma-phala-hetur bhur

ma te sango ’stv akarmani"

This translates to: "You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty."

In other words, the Gita teaches us to focus on doing our duty without being attached to the results of our actions. We should strive for contentment in the present moment, rather than being fixated on future outcomes.

Both the quote above and the verse from the Gita remind us that God is in control of our lives and that we should trust in His plan, even when we don't understand it. By letting go of our attachment to specific outcomes and finding contentment in the present moment, we can experience greater peace and joy in our lives.

सोमवार, 10 अप्रैल 2023

God is in Control

 In a world full of uncertainties and challenges, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless. We often find ourselves struggling to make sense of our lives and the circumstances we find ourselves in. During such times, it is important to remember that God is in control, and we can trust in Him to guide us through life's challenges.

The quote from Proverbs 3:5-6 is a powerful reminder of the importance of having faith in God. It calls us to trust in God with all our hearts and to resist the temptation to rely solely on our own understanding. It reminds us that we should acknowledge God in all our ways and seek His guidance and wisdom.

“Trust in GOD with all thine heart; 

and lean not unto thine own understanding. 

In all thy ways acknowledge Him, 

and He shall direct thy paths.”

Trusting in God can be difficult, especially when we are faced with difficult circumstances that seem beyond our control. It is often easier to rely on our own understanding and logic, or to turn to others for guidance. However, the Bible teaches us that God is all-knowing and all-powerful, and that He has a plan for each of our lives.

As we trust in God and acknowledge Him in all our ways, we can have the confidence that He will direct our paths. This doesn't mean that our lives will be free from challenges or that everything will always go smoothly. Rather, it means that we can have the assurance that God is with us, guiding us and giving us strength and wisdom to face whatever comes our way.

Trusting in God can also help us find peace and comfort during times of uncertainty or difficulty. When we feel like we are facing a storm in our lives, we can turn to God and find refuge in Him. His love and grace can bring us hope and strength, even in the darkest of times.

The quote from Proverbs 3:5-6 is a powerful reminder of the importance of having faith in God. It encourages us to trust in Him with all our hearts and to seek His guidance and wisdom in all aspects of our lives. When we do this, we can have the assurance that God is in control and that He will direct our paths, even through life's most challenging moments. So, let us hold onto our faith in God and trust in His perfect plan for our lives.

There are similar quotes in other religious books as well. The Bhagavad Gita, which is a sacred Hindu scripture, contains verses that convey a similar message of surrendering to God and seeking His guidance. Here are a few examples:

  1. "Whatever you do, make it an offering to me - the food you eat, the sacrifices you make, the help you give, even your suffering." - Bhagavad Gita 9:27

This verse emphasizes the importance of offering all our actions to God and seeking His approval. It reminds us to act selflessly and with devotion to God.

  1. "In all activities just depend upon Me and work always under My protection. In such devotional service, be fully conscious of Me." - Bhagavad Gita 18:57

This verse highlights the importance of relying on God and seeking His protection in all our activities. It encourages us to cultivate a state of constant awareness of God in our lives.

  1. "Fix your mind on Me, be devoted to Me, offer service to Me, bow down to Me, and you shall certainly reach Me. I promise you because you are My very dear friend." - Bhagavad Gita 18:65

This verse encourages us to have complete faith in God and surrender to Him. It assures us that if we devote ourselves to God and seek His guidance, we will ultimately reach Him.

In conclusion, many religious texts contain messages that encourage us to have faith in God and seek His guidance. These teachings remind us that we are not alone in our struggles and that there is a higher power that can guide and support us through life's challenges.

रविवार, 9 अप्रैल 2023

Summer Holiday Reading List (April - June 2023)

प्रसिद्ध प्रेरक कहानियाँ /किस्से /दास्तां, लोक-साहित्य, लोककथा, लोकगीत, अच्छी, नैतिक, प्रेरणादायक, प्रोत्साहन, प्रेरक कहानिया

लोक-साहित्य की कहानियाँ और गीत भारत की संस्कृति का एक अहम हिस्सा हैं। ये कहानियाँ और गीत हमें जीवन की बातें और समस्याओं के समाधान से रूबरू कराते हैं।  कुछ प्रसिद्ध प्रेरक कहानियां, किस्से और दास्तां जो लोक-साहित्य, लोककथा और लोकगीत के रूप में प्रसिद्ध हैं,  भारतीय लोकसाहित्य में बहुत से प्रेरणादायक किस्से, कहानियाँ और गीत होते हैं। इन कहानियों में नैतिक और दार्शनिक संदेश होते हैं जो हमें अपने जीवन में उपयोगी सीखें प्रदान करते हैं। इन कहानियों से हम जान सकते हैं कि जीवन में कैसे सफल हों, कैसे अपने व्यक्तिगत विकास के लिए कामयाब हों और इसी तरह कई अन्य महत्वपूर्ण सीखें प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

इन कहानियों में सामाजिक मुद्दों पर भी बात की जाती है और हमें सामाजिक न्याय का महत्व और लोगों के बीच समानता के बारे में भी सीख मिलती है। इसके साथ ही, इन कहानियों के माध्यम से व्यक्तिगत विकास के साथ-साथ अपने समाज के विकास और कल्याण के लिए काम करने की भी सीख मिलती है। भारतीय लोकसाहित्य में यह संदेश समूचे भारतीय समाज के लिए अनमोल हैं।

निम्नलिखित हैं:

रामायण और महाभारत - रामायण और महाभारत भारतीय संस्कृति की दो महत्वपूर्ण कहानियाँ हैं। इनकी कहानियों से हमें नैतिक और दार्शनिक सीख मिलती है। रामायण और महाभारत दो ऐसी कहानियाँ हैं जो हमारी भारतीय संस्कृति और इतिहास के अंग सम्मिलित हैं। इन कहानियों के जीवन के संदर्भ नैतिकता और धर्म के सवालों पर चर्चा की गई है। इन कहानियों से हमें नैतिक और दार्शनिक सीख मिलती है, जैसे कि सत्य, न्याय, उद्धार, धर्म, विश्वास, और धर्मोपदेश का महत्व आदि। इन कहानियों को धार्मिक तथा नैतिक शिक्षाओं के संदर्भ में भी समझा जा सकता है।

तेनाली रामकृष्ण की कहानियाँ  तेनाली रामकृष्ण की कहानियां - ये कहानियां तेनाली रामकृष्ण के चतुराई और व्यावहारिक समस्याओं के समाधान को बताती हैं।

पंचतंत्र की कहानियां - ये कहानियां लोगों के बीच प्रसिद्ध हैं और उनमें नैतिक और प्रेरणादायक संदेश होते हैं। इनमें शेर, चींटी, कौआ जैसे जानवरों के किस्से होते हैं जो बच्चों और वयस्कों दोनों को सीख देते हैं। पंचतंत्र कथाएँ भारतीय लोक साहित्य का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा हैं। इनमें से कुछ कहानियाँ जैसे "शेर और चूहा", "बगुला भगत", और "चतुर कौआ" लोगों को बुद्धिमान, नैतिक और प्रेरणादायक संदेशों से प्रदान करती हैं।

अकबर-बीरबल की कहानियां - इन कहानियों में मुगल बादशाह अकबर और उनके मंत्री बीरबल के बीच संवाद होता है। इन कहानियों में नैतिक और समाज सेवा के संदेश होते हैं।

बिरबल की चतुराई - ये कहानियां बीरबल की चतुराई और उनके संदेश को बताती हैं। इनमें अकबर बादशाह ने बीरबल से अलग-अलग मुश्किल समस्याओं का समाधान मांगा था।

बाँस की छद्मी - यह एक लोककथा है जो भारत के उत्तराखंड से संबंधित है। इस कथा में एक बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति एक बाँस की छद्मी में छिपकर शत्रुओं से बच जाता है। यह कथा दृढ़ता, बुद्धिमानी, और साहस को स्पष्ट करती है।

बुद्धि और संवेदनशीलता की कहानी - यह कहानी बताती है कि जीत या हार, आपके व्यक्तित्व और संवेदनशीलता पर निर्भर करता है।

शनिवार, 8 अप्रैल 2023

About Letting Go

Letting go doesn't mean forgetting, but rather acknowledging the past and choosing to move forward.

Letting go of the past is a difficult but necessary step towards personal growth and healing. It's important to understand that letting go doesn't mean forgetting about our experiences, but rather acknowledging them and choosing to move forward.

When we hold onto the past, we carry the weight of our experiences with us wherever we go. We may become stuck in patterns of behavior or thought that limit our ability to grow and evolve. By acknowledging the past, we can begin to understand how our experiences have shaped us and how we can use them to grow and develop as individuals.

Acknowledging the past also means accepting that some things are beyond our control. We can't change the past, but we can choose how we respond to it. Letting go of the past allows us to focus on the present and the future, and to make conscious choices about how we want to live our lives.

Choosing to move forward requires courage and resilience. It means facing our fears, stepping out of our comfort zones, and taking risks. But it also means opening ourselves up to new possibilities and experiences, and embracing the unknown.

Letting go and moving forward is a process, and it's not always easy. We may experience setbacks and challenges along the way, but these are opportunities for growth and learning. By staying present, being mindful, and focusing on our goals, we can continue to move forward and create the life we want for ourselves.

In conclusion, letting go doesn't mean forgetting, but rather acknowledging the past and choosing to move forward. It's a process that requires self-awareness, courage, and resilience. By letting go of the past, we can free ourselves from the weight of our experiences and open ourselves up to new possibilities and experiences. The future is ours to create, and by choosing to move forward, we can create a life that is fulfilling, meaningful, and full of joy.

Anything was possible with hard work, determination, and the power of love.


The Key To Success Is Hard Work And Determination

With hard work, determination, and the power of love, there are no limits to what we can achieve. These qualities can propel us towards success, help us overcome obstacles, and give us the strength and courage to pursue our dreams. Whether it's excelling in our careers, achieving personal goals, or finding love and happiness, anything is possible with these powerful attributes guiding us. It's important to remember that success and happiness are not always easy to attain, but with hard work, determination, and love, we can conquer any challenge and reach our full potential.